Come lengthen and strengthen your writing project with me and five other writers live on Zoom for five weeks on Tuesdays, 6-9PM EST, starting January 23. Only one spot remaining!
Cost: $330. If you’re a paid newsletter subscriber, scroll down to the bottom of this email for the promo code for 10% off!
I would love a chance to support you in your writing life.
I’ve kept a gratitude journal for my writing for three years.
I wrap up my writing time by jotting down three things that went well during that day’s session. That way, I can end my writing time on a positive note, focusing on what went well rather than beating myself up for what I didn’t get done: an easy thing to do, considering how unfinished the writing always feels. (Relatable? Thought so!)
I used to buy a new planner every year just for this gratitude practice, but I did something much smarter last year: I bought one of those five-year diaries. You’ve seen them in bookstores and gift shops: those little notebooks with a page for each day. On every page, there are five lined spaces for five years.
I purchased my five-year diary after I read about the practice of keeping one in the wonderful
newsletter by the illustrator . She referred to her diary as a “time machine to the recent past,” which I, of course, immediately romanticized the heck out of.Five-year diaries are ambitious. In addition to actually remembering to write in the thing, you have to keep track of the tiny notebook for five whole years and not lose it. No easy feat! Which is why I am positively thrilled to report that I filled up the top fifth of each page of my new five-year diary in 2023. Now, in 2024, I get a little treat every time I jot down my writing gratitude for the day: a quick little trip back to the recent past.
What a gift that, throughout the year, I’ll be reminded of last year’s victories: lonely and otherwise!
And what a gift that I’ll also get to reflect on the writing days that may have been more lackluster in the grand scheme, re-reading my log of what it took to get back on the horse.
As the new year carries on, I’ll share moments from my gratitude journal here in the newsletter: glimpses of then-and-now. In the meantime, I’ll be here writing, taking time to appreciate even just the teensiest bit of good that does, indeed, bloom each and every time I manage to put fingers to keys, pen to paper.
If you’re here in Jacksonville, FL, tune into the Jax Music Hour on Saturday nights at 8PM on WJCT News 89.9FM. You can stream it live here.
I’m thrilled for this opportunity to share local music as well as touring acts coming to the 904 on my hometown NPR station every week starting tomorrow.
My Book Club for Writers will discuss Haruki Murakami’s book Novelist as a Vocation on Zoom on January 28 at 1PM EST. The book is an excellent dive into the life of a successful novelist.
Join the book club by becoming a paid subscriber of this newsletter for $5/month or $50/year.
Paid subscribers also get 10% off all of my writing classes, including my new online workshop! Come lengthen and strengthen your writing project with me and five other writers live on Zoom for five weeks on Tuesdays, 6-9PM EST, starting January 23. There’s only one spot remaining, so get it while you can!
The class costs $330 for five weeks. If you’re a paid newsletter subscriber, scroll down for the promo code for 10% off!