I love this - and I read the title and said "I want to be YOUR writing friend too!". I am totally not an extrovert but to me that just means I don't like large groups (conferences for instance). 1:1 connections are EVERYTHING. Even us introverts have suffered (more than we like to admit) for the last 2 years. I am only now really building writer friendships, mostly through writing circles and then side conversations that turn into phone calls and building new friendships. I have met some folks here on Substack that are evolving into friendships and I am delighted by that. Honestly, the first time someone called me a "fellow writer" I had to stop and take it in that another human also thought of me as a writer.

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Yes yes yes to 1:1 connections! So important—in writing and in life.

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Hurley, I loved this newsletter, and I'm so glad to have you as a writing friend.

As an INFJ, I shirk away from certain large social events (I'll make it to a conference one day, I swear!), but still love to make writing friends. I feel so lucky to have made a whole bunch of them during the pandemic through Catapult.co classes, virtual readings, and the second city online humor and satire writing series.

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Sarah, I'm so glad we're writing friends! I definitely need to look into Second City's online classes.

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Oh - also - I've been kind of checking out this thing called "Garden of Neuro". There are a lot of writers in this organization and they have writing groups and have even published an anthology from members recently. Not sure where it's going or who it's a good fit for but you can check it out at this link if interested: https://garden-of-neuro.mn.co/share/asvauWS573wDgPqY?utm_source=manual

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